Sep 17 ,2021

5 ideas and a wish to create your Home Office

Many of us, forced by current circumstances, have had to set up the office at home. Finding the perfect corner to set up your home office is sometimes not an easy task.


Find the ideal place for your office: think not only of the living room or a study room but of new areas such as a corner of the bedroom, a long corridor or even a hole near or under the stairs.

Of course, it must be a comfortable, isolated place that encourages your creativity.

Take a look at this desk and bookcase from the firm Novamobili that has been located in an area that normally remains in disuse (a step near the stairs), creating a very complete work area


Find a space with good natural light. If you have good views, better. Put a good lamp for when you need it.

This desk area of the Battistella brand has been located in an attic area with great views to enjoy and rest our eyes.

This Tomasella firm desk has been placed in front of a window, enjoying the outside light in abundance.


Tidy up and tidy up: make your space comfortable, nice and tidy. Find a space in a bookcase in the living room or on the sideboard to store folders or other papers from your office. Or use baskets, or drawers. Leave only the essentials on your table.

In this space from the Novamobili firm, the desk looks clear while the auxiliary furniture stores everything you need to work

In the image, a composition by the firm San Giacomo with modules on the wall to store documents, a printer, etc…


Decorate with a small plant. You can use neutral colors in your decoration or give a different touch with a more vivid color. Green , blue and yellow encourage creativity .

Avoid red and orange that could stress you out.

Desk of the San Giacomo firm with some decorative details. Functional, modern, warm, elegant…

This Olut composition has been decorated with an industrial floor lamp, a painting on the shelf and a plant


Also look for a small area to relax and take short breaks during work, a corner to read or rest for a moment. These breaks will increase your performance and the generation of ideas.

In the image, an armchair by Capdell.

And lastly, think positive.

Look for the advantages of this situation: less stress, fuel savings, more family time, less rush…

You didn’t know you had a space for your home office and now that you’ve found it, it can be forever.

ALDEA MUEBLES Y DECORACION SL has been the beneficiary of a subsidy, under the call for the 2020 financial year aimed at modernizing and improving the competitiveness of Commercial and Artisan SMEs in Andalusia, financed with the European Union Regional Development Fund Union, which has been allocated to the renewal and implementation of the new website

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